
Agregat do chromowania natryskowego CC Silver Pro-360

Spray on Chrome CCW Silver Pro-360 plating machine

CCW Silver Pro-360 is an assemblage we created. It’s production is completed entirely in our company. It is protected by a patent in Republic of Poland Patent Office. It is without a doubt the best assemblage in the world ever made for Spray on Chrome technology.

CCW Silver Pro-360 plating machine characteristics:

  • best precision in chemical products applications,
  • most precise adjustment system,
  • highest repeatability of chemical reaction,
  • low usage of chemical supply,
  • all components made of stainless steel,
  • durability and reliability,
  • 24 month warranty.

All components in the assemblage are certified, so that all chemical products stored in appropriate conditions and do not react with components that they go through.

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System do destylacji wody CCW H20 Q4

Water distillation system CCW H2O Q4

4 stage water cleansing and filtration system, that produces demineralized and deionized water. Thanks to this advanced system quality of water measured with TDS meter always reads 000. This clean water guarantees highest repeatability of end result. System contains 4 types of active filters. Remember, quality of water used in spray on chrome technology is one of the most fundamental and most important things. Device contains 2 filters requiring replacing as per instruction manual. It takes 1 hour to produce 5 litres of crystal clear water with standard tap pressure.

CCW H20 Q4 Water distillation system advantages:

  • no electric connection,
  • highest reliability,
  • simple to use,
  • rare filter changes,
  • inexpensive to run.
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This is innovative, produced in lab lacquer that is a base for silver, dedicated only for our spray on chrome technology. It’s the only lacquer that silvering reaction occurs. Lacquer needs to be applied to a prepared part as per guidelines from training provided by our company. Lacquer is to create mirror-like layer, smooth like a layer of glass. It is applied in multiple layers. To complete a set for Basecoat lacquer there are also hardener and solvent. Our company provides full specification for this product along with all certifications.

You will not be able to buy this lacquer in paint shop. It is dedicated for our spray on chrome process.

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It is innovative, produced in lab top coat lacquer applied to silver, dedicated to our spray on chrome technology. Lacquer has to be applied to a part that has been fully silvered following guidelines provided with training from our company. Lacquer is applied to create a layer to protect silver against UV rays. It is applied in multiple layers. In full set with Chrome-Color lacquer there is also hardener and solvent. Our company provides full specification for this product along with all certifications.

This product is a dedicated lacquer for silver. Don’t take opinions from Internet - silver cannot be protected using simple conventional lacquers used in standard car paint shop, it will change silver layer to gold-looking.

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This innovative, produced in lab, top coat lacquer is applied onto Chrome-Color type lacquer, dedicated for our spray on chrome technology. Lacquer needs to be applied to a part that has been fully protected using Chrome-Color product as per guidelines provided on training with our company. Lacquer is applied to create a protective layer on the whole part against any physical damage, dampness or wear of layer of silver. It is applied in multiple layers. In full set with Topcoat Standard lacquer there is also a hardener and solvent, as well as enricher. Our company provides full specification of the product along with all certifications.

This product is dedicated for our spray on chrome technology. You will not be able to purchase it in a paint shop. Remember, you cannot use conventional clear lacquers that are normally used in traditional car paint shop. They make silver layer turn gold-looking and taint of the end effect.

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This innovative, produced in lab, top coat lacquer is applied onto Chrome-Color type lacquer, dedicated for our spray on chrome technology. This lacquer is absolute innovation on world market of spray on chrome. Thanks to the lab tests our company has the most durable topcoat type lacquer in the world. We called the serioes of these products EXTREME and we are proud to offer spray on chrome, that with usage of TOPCOAT EXTREME lacquer it is impossible to scratch.

Lacquer needs to be applied to a part that has been protected with Chrome-Color product as per guidelines provided on training by our company. It is applied in multiple layers. In full set with TOPCOAT EXTREME lacquer there is also catalyst and solvent. Our company provides full specification of the product along with all certifications.

This product is a dedicated lacquer for our spray on chrome technology. You will not be able to purchase it in a paint shop. It is the most durable protective lacquer for spray on chrome in the world.

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Środek do wysrebrzania natryskowego CHEMIA PRO-1

SILVER PRO-1 spray on silvering product

SILVER PRO-1 is specialist series of chemical products used for the process of spray on silvering, which is one of the steps in spray on chrome technology. Entirety of the product is produced in lab following guidelines for all certifications. In chemistry of PRO-1 series silver of assay 999 is used, that is the top quality silver, clear without any enriching products or any other metals. Total depth of silver layer applied to a part is 0.03μm. We provide full specification for all chemical products.

Full PRO-1 set contains:

  1. substance A - activator,
  2. substance B - silvering product,
  3. Reductors - C1, C2.

In the Internet often you can find information regarding sale of chemistry packages for spray on silvering, do-it-yourself type. We kindly inform that mixing of chemical products that are part of chemistry is illegal in country of Poland and requires multiple permissions and agreements with suppliers due to safety requirements during production. Apart from that remember, that only laboratory can provide sufficient conditions for production. Ask yourself a question, if you have known all content of a common pharmaceutical medicine, would you buy all the substrates and produce it yourself?

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Środek do wysrebrzania natryskowego CHEMIA PRO-3

SILVER PRO-3 spray on silvering product

SILVER PRO-3 is specialist series of chemical products used for the process of spray on silvering, which is one of the steps in spray on chrome technology. Entirety of the product is produced in lab following guidelines for all certifications. In chemistry of PRO-3 series silver of assay 999 is used, that is the top quality silver, clear without any enriching products or any other metals. Total depth of silver layer applied to a part is 0.07μm, which is double in comparison with PRO-1 series. We provide full specification for all chemical products.

Full PRO-3 set contains:

  1. pre-activator,
  2. activator,
  3. anti-oxigen (substance that protects silver against oxidising),
  4. substance B - silvering product,
  5. reductors - R1, R2.

In the Internet often you can find information regarding sale of chemistry packages for spray on silvering, do-it-yourself type. We kindly inform that mixing of chemical products that are part of chemistry is illegal in country of Poland and requires multiple permissions and agreements with suppliers due to safety requirements during production. Apart from that remember, that only laboratory can provide sufficient conditions for production. Ask yourself a question, if you have known all content of a common pharmaceutical medicine, would you buy all the substrates and produce it yourself?

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Środek do wysrebrzania natryskowego CHEMIA PRO-3

Smooth Surfaces Coloring Technology

This is innovative, produced in lab, series of lacquers dedicated for flat surfaces coloring technology. Thanks to these products you have an option to change color of the element to any of colors of a rainbow, still keeping the colored surface’s structure.

Example surfaces for coloring:

  • all galvanic surfaces: chrome, nickel, copper,
  • stainless steel: mirror polish, satin, glass, porcelain.

Example: thanks to this technology you can produce parts in bulk, apply galvanic chrome and change their color to gold (for example) at the same time without using element of gold. Same situation applies to copper, brass or any other colors like red, violet, green etc.

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